Sex can be an intense topic, and sex at festivals is an in tents topic. Since you’re such a dirty dog I bet you’re wondering how many people have actually done the deed at a festie.
Lucky for you, the filthy curiosity ruminating in your mind has been answered. Lovehoney, a UK sex wellness company, surveyed 2,100 adults who have had sex (AKA skuxes) and asked them how many have bumped uglies at a festival.
Under half of the respondents replied in the affirmative, with 39% of people admitting they’ve bopped someone after bopping to tunes. Interestingly, far more men (47%) answered ‘yes’ compared to women (30%).
When it comes to the age of the festie sex-havers, far more of the younger crowd have done it. Over half of people aged 18 - 34 have freaked (55%), with just over 1 in 10 of those aged 55 having got it on (13%).
If you haven’t had sex at a festival don’t feel like you're missing out. Lovehoney also asked respondents how good the sex they had actually was and just 13% said it was great and an even lower 7% said it was the best sex they’ve ever had.
Elisabeth Neumann, Head of User Research at Lovehoney, explains that many adults see festivals as an excuse to let loose.
“Festivals are like a big playground for adults,” she said. “They’re all about having fun and give people the chance to escape the stress, duties and rules of everyday life.”
“Festivals promise freedom and are spaces to let us explore new things and perhaps be a bit more daring. Whether it be with your partner or someone you’ve just met, having sex contributes to this spirit of excitement and adventure.”
If you are going to have festival sex, remember to wrap it, get consent, and don’t do it in a tent near me.