Fisher heckles fans on the way to his gig in the most hilarious and legendary way
Good Chat
Good Chat

Fisher heckles fans on the way to his gig in the most hilarious and legendary way

“Gave them a story for life 🙌."

Fisher’s been shouting at fans on his way to his latest show, and it’s absolutely in the best way possible.

Posting on Instagram, Fish wrote, “HURRY UP 🤣🤣🤣,” alongside a clip of him interacting with fans out of a car window.

“You guys are gonna be late, you better hurry up,” he said, to the absolute shock of a group of gals headed to his gig.

The shouts of “WOW” and “OH MY GOD” from their surprise are classic. The car kept moving as he continued to shout at them down the street.

One fan frothed the clip, writing: “Priceless! That is so you! Always connecting!!”

“Gave them a story for life 🙌,” said another.

While a third added: “What a legend 😂🔥”

It would be sick to have this sort of interaction with an artist you’re on the way to see. 

Reckon he’ll do the same when he’s here in New Zealand early next year?

Christchurch’s Hagley and Auckland’s Victoria Parks will be treated to the first Big Fish sets to happen on our shores in a whopping six years.

For more gig and ticketing info, check out our events page.

This isn’t the only time the Aussie DJ has pulled a hilarious stunt.

Last year, a photoshoot he was involved in turned to chaos after a leaf blower accident ended with a crew member losing some hair.

Or how ‘bout the interview from earlier in 2023 that showed him flicking his tongue and making a sound that is oddly similar to that one turtle that gets a little too close to loving a Croc - you know the one?

Classic Fish antics - can’t wait to see that hectic energy hit Aotearoa soon