WATCH: Fatboy Slim drops Greta Thunberg 'right here, right now' mashup live and it bangs

WATCH: Fatboy Slim drops Greta Thunberg 'right here, right now' mashup live and it bangs

Don't let your memes be dreams

Last week a mashup of Fatboy Slim’s classic ‘Right Here, Right Now’ and Greta Thunberg’s now-famous United Nations speech made the rounds online.

The mix made its way back to Fatboy Slim and just a week later he’s played the track out live.

The remix had a run at a recent Fatboy Slim gig and it went down an absolute treat. Check the performance out below.

16-year-old Swede Thunberg is currently promoting a wave of Extinction Rebellion protests following September’s Global Climate Stritke.