Invest in some running shoes because apparently petrol's only getting more expensive

Invest in some running shoes because apparently petrol's only getting more expensive

Despite holding off as long as possible - one supplier says prices have to increase.
1 September 2022 4:03PM

It's getting to the point where it's lace up or fork out whānau.

Hamilton-based fuel supplier Waitomo Group have shared news that we can unfortunately expect fuel prices to continue increasing.

"Today, we've been advised by our supplier that prices are increasing, with the biggest single jump in our wholesale price seen in my time," managing director Jimmy Ormsby said. 

"Despite keeping our own costs as low as we can, so we can deliver the fairest pump prices while ensuring we remain sustainable ourselves, we can't absorb all that rise ourselves - so pump prices are going to have to respond.

'Get in now, fill up as much as you can. We will supply as much as we can at the lower price until 6pm, but from then on, prices will start climbing, reflecting the unprecedented price increase we've received.'

Ormsby also touched on the potential impact a price increase will have.

"High fuel prices - like grocery prices, and housing prices - are part of the cost-of-living crisis, hitting Kiwis who least can afford it. 

"The impact for Kiwis that can least afford it is what keeps me up at night. We'd not be living up to our Waitomo values if we didn't do what we could to help.

Prices are reportedly set to climb from 6pm tonight, so get in quick if you can.