Roland are celebrating 50 years with this awesome online synthesiser studio

Roland are celebrating 50 years with this awesome online synthesiser studio

This is so addictive once you start having a play!
1 September 2022 4:03PM

Legendary music hardware company Roland turns 50 this year, and to celebrate they've teamed up with renowned Japanese musician, artist and designer Yuri Suzuki to create an awesome online tool for everyone to enjoy.

To mark Roland's annual '303 Day,' - which honors the iconic synthesiser of its namesake first released in 1981, Suzuki has collaborated with Counterpoint Studio recreate some of the brand's best-loved equipment and make it easy to use for everyone with just a few clicks.

Users are able to toggle a whole bunch of different channels, change tempo, play with filters, record their audio and use all three available synths at once to create unique sounds.

First linking in 2020 to create the web-based "," they've now added the SH-101 to the TB-303 and TR-808 interfaces - with a couple more padlocked up the top, so hopefully more will be added soon!

You can check out the "Roland50" studio here and start playing!