RIP Miniclip the iconic games website is shutting down for good
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RIP Miniclip the iconic games website is shutting down for good

Tanks was the GOAT!

I have some devastating news that will rip your childhood from underneath you- Miniclip games are shutting down their servers for good.

We all remember the good old days when you’d drop your school bag at the door, jump online and instantly type in - not a care in the world, all you had to worry about was who was going to battle you out on Tanks.

Then we hit high school and it was a trip down memory lane to play all the iconic games during your free period or let’s be honest and say any chance that we got.

The only browser games still available to play on their website are 8 Ball Pool and, everything else has gone, vanished, poofed from existence and if I’m being totally honest, I’m not doing too well after hearing the news.

In the tragic loss of one of our most loved websites let’s take a walk down memory lane and say goodbye to our fave games one last time…

Despite the fact that many people didn't realise it had happened until now, the decision to shut down the majority of Miniclip's games was actually made earlier this year.

Anyone thinking that this is just temporary will be shattered to know that Miniclip has stated that there are "no intentions to bring back other games online."

It seems that the decision was made due to the majority of their gamers having "already migrated" to playing on mobile apps instead.

This truly has to be the saddest day of my life… I’ll always remember the good times!