Beiks from George Nights shares his roadtrip commandments for summer
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Beiks from George Nights shares his roadtrip commandments for summer

Follow these and the only things you'll have to worry about are those damn gas prices.

In amongst the many universal feelings in the world, there’s none other like the shared excitement of an impending event, bottled within the confines of a 5-seater weapon.

Whether your vessel of choice is the humble Suzuki Swift or the classy Alteza, the classic road trip is governed by hard truths one must obey to allow for smooth sailings to the land of milk and honey e.g. The George Summer Tours or Rhythm and Vines 2023!

Crystal clear skies, a boot packed to the rafters with camping gear and giddy anticipation of world class acts, as we begin the seasonal migration to some of the best festies Aoteroa has to offer, these are some simple commandments to consider before ticking up some k’s on the ol’ odometer.

Beiks' Roadtrip Commandments

  • No skipping the songs in the queue - this is simple etiquette, everyone gets a turn bud
  • Aircon on or windows down, pick one
  • If shotgun is called at the same time, the first to reach the door handle gets the front seat. You can also only call shotgun when the car is in sight
  • Only the person in the front seat controls the aux - simple math, the cord ain’t long enough bro
  • No backseat drivers
  • Smallest person in the middle seat - not my rules, blame Charles Darwin
  • Whoever is in the front seat is the GPS - for the love of God, pay attention!

These simple but effective guidelines will ensure the wheels keeps turning and the banter flowing.

Goes without saying, seat belts on chookies, don’t get on the grog and sit behind the wheel and remember: Summers on, how good!