UK lad who smashed 124 kebabs in a month said it ruined him physically and mentally
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UK lad who smashed 124 kebabs in a month said it ruined him physically and mentally

Putting the 'Don' in Doner.

A UK bloke said his body and mind were wrecked after he smashed back 124 kebabs over the course of a month - that’ll probably do it, mate. 

I thought I was the biggest kebab fan in the world, but that award has got to go to Des Breakey, the kebab munching demon. Breakey, 36-years-old, decided to take on four kebabs a day last month as part of his own ‘kebabathon’, which raises money for Francis House Children's Hospice. 

He raised over £1,000 (NZ$1915.81) for the charity, which is a top effort and sure to help out a lot. What it didn’t help though, was Des’ mind, body, and probably soul. 

“I’m not doing it again,” he told the Mirror. “I have enjoyed it, but it’s hurt me physically. I’ve felt like crap. I’m not getting any fruit, no vegetables, and no nutrition. I couldn’t eat anything else.”

“It was a breeze for the first two weeks. But the last two weeks it got a bit messy, not just physically but psychologically as well.”

Ooof, mate. That’s one hell of a quote and could be applied to many things in life. Like hitting the gym as your new year resolution or trying to go a whole month without getting UberEats when you're dusty. 

Des said to get through the four ‘babs a day, he’d go with the fasting technique AKA not eating until the end of the day then championing through all four kebabs. He even gave up mum’s cooking on Christmas for the kebab. 

“I was starving myself all day at work,” he said. “I would finish at 5pm, and then I would be eating four kebabs.”

“Sometimes I would be eating them in my mate’s car, some on the fly. The quickest I did it was an hour and a half.”

“I had kebabs for Christmas. I went to my mum’s. I love prawn cocktails as a starter, so I was gutted. But I didn’t want to give in. I was always going to do it.”

Breakey said he’s not going to do another eating challenge again, but is definitely going to have a kebab with some mates when he can. 

‘Bab on mate, ‘bab on.