A Tauranga man was left absolutely stumped after receiving a mysterious suspicious-looking business card whacked on his car windscreen with a warning.
The printed card called out the resident for his supposed bad parking and threatened to key his vehicle - A bit extreme if you ask me.
The front of the card read: “You. Yes, you. You park badly and you should feel bad. Stop. Use the bus, get a bike, or get lessons. Preferably all three.”
Flip it over and you see: “Next time you will be keyed. Thank you.”
SOURCE: u/Hoodoo89 on r/Tauranga
Aside from hitting him right in the parking ego, the card seemed completely unnecessary to the accused “badly” parked driver.
Posting pics of his ride to a Turanga community Reddit page, the man asked: "Who’s the a-hole giving these out? And can anyone figure out what the person thought was wrong with my parking?"
Now, the jury of online commenters weighed in.
Some thought Tauranga had a secret society of parking vigilantes.
“It screams Tauranga behaviour,” one commenter wrote.
Another said: “You would have to be demented to think keying someone's car is a proportional response to bad parking.”
SOURCE: u/Hoodoo89 on r/Tauranga
While many couldn’t fault the parking job, others argued the fella might've been too cosy with the pavement or not acing the between-the-lines game.
One person said: “You parked way too close to the curb!! That's why you got it…”
“It may have bothered whoever it was that the car wasn't within the lines,” another wrote.
A third added: “The only issue I can think of is the park is it's a little close to the curb and maybe they're mad about the mirror sticking out onto the sidewalk.”
SOURCE: u/Hoodoo89 on r/Tauranga
Harsh or not? You decide.