April Fool's Day, how good?
It's that time of year that everybody knows is coming, and yet people still fall for some pretty obvious gags.
If you didn't get the memo, we're not actually teaming up with Elon Musk to present the first-ever drum n bass gig in outer space (although how mint would that be?)
George FM big boss and our resident prank artist, the Big DC Dean Campbell, has put together a list of the best April Fool's Day gags he spotted today. Big DC, the man knows content.
Have a geez below and check them out.
NZ Herald's article about Eden Park planning a surf break
Wait, can news websites do pranks?
Jaigermeister's "Jagermite" breakfast spread
"Jagermite is here just in time for breakfast. All the great taste of Jagermeister but spreadable. Kick the morning off like you kick your nights off. We Jagermiting this morning?"
Full disclosure - we would be 100% keen to try this.
Cookie Time's Coriander Chocolate Chunk Cookie
A cookie that is baked with chunks of coriander and milk chocolate went down like a cup of cold sick to those who fell for this gag.
NZ Police's new footwear - Police Crocs (with charms)
"Police have today issued new footwear to all staff. These shoes will not be appropriate for any aspects of frontline policing but #fashun"
Would the police have to arrest themselves for this ultimate fashun crime? Hmmmm.
Mixmag's fake Kanye West v Pete Davidson charity boxing match
I mean if you seriously believed this was true....c'mon.
Mixmag back at it again, this time announcing the disco ball emoji was being removed
Don't wanna be sad but it's an 0 for 2 here, Mixmag.
Briscoes hit us with the classic left-hand fry pan
An oldie but a goodie. We reckon Tammy the Briscoes Lady wrote that one.
McDonald's Big Mac Special Sauce Sundae
The real April Fool's here is you for thinking that the ice cream machines were working.
Good George to bankroll new Kiwi Cup Syndicate with a white tin beer can
Jetts bans squatting in their gyms
Take them cheeks and squat somewhere else, chief.
Radikal Neon turn the Sky Tower from grey to hot neon pink
Honestly though, here for it.
And if you didn't read above or you haven't realised yet - this ain't happening.
Have you seen any other good April Fool's Day pranks? DM us a link on Insta to check out.
Anyway hooroo, catch ya next year!