Satisfy your kink with this foot fetish cult we just found on Instagram
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Satisfy your kink with this foot fetish cult we just found on Instagram

We found a whole Instagram dedicated to the lovers of feet.

Amongst the colourful community that is Instagram, there is an abundance of different accounts you're bound to come across.

Whether it's the slime grams, meme pages, Worldstar, or ASMR; there's a little something for every niche.

Recently there's been a spike in Instrgram accounts dedicated to those who have foot fetishes. Yes. Foot fetishes. 

You thought it was just your questionable ex-lover? Think again.

Instagrammer Paris Martineau, found herself in the hollows of feet and phalanges when Instagram account @parkfeetdaily randomly followed her.

After scrolling through @parkfeetdaily's feed, Paris discovered that one of the pictures from her own Instagram was given a feature (and yes it was a picture of her feet).

Paris became extremely unnerved and scrolled through more and more of the pages content. The user was frequently posting sometimes innocent and sometimes erotic pictures of women and their feet. The deeper she delved into the feed, the more disturbed she became, that her feet had now become a relic of the Footstagram cult.


Satisfy your kink with this foot fetish cult we just found on Instagram

@parkfeetdaily is only one of MANY a part of this fad. Some users even dedicate their Instagram to providing pictures of their own feet, for those who want to keenly observe. 

Please see Exhibit A:

Satisfy your kink with this foot fetish cult we just found on Instagram

Mmmm, tantalizing...

If any of you think this is totally bizarre, after a quick Google search it turns out foot fetishes are the most popular fetish of all. It's inclusive of all people from all walks of life, so even you're own little finger toes are probbaly the apple to someone's eye.