Why some lads' beards look like pubes and how to fix this patchy problem
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Why some lads' beards look like pubes and how to fix this patchy problem

It's Movember, and we know that makes a lot of you guys' think about your facial hair... or lack thereof.

Let's not beat around the bush... or beard. A dude's ability to grow facial hair is often considered a defining factor of their perceived masculinity.

Unfortunately, for some guys their attempts at a manly beard are patchier than Aunt Barb coming off the darts.

Many are of the opinion if you suffer from baby goat face - you're better off clean shaven, or at best a 5 o'clock shadow. That new can crush a man’s ego, so we’ve got the science behind your wispy chin fluff is here and we've got a couple tips to help ya. 

First off, the reason why...

This may bruise the ego a little, so make sure you're sitting down before reading any further.

A male chemical called dihydrotestoterone (DHT) is responsible. Essentially, the more sensitive you are to testosterone, the more thicker and lucious your beard grows.

So, essentially, your hormones are shortchanging you.

However, if you really want to reach your DJ Forbes potential, there are a few things you can do. 

1. You gotta go through the humiliation of growing it out, patches and all.

Despite popular belief, shaving often and against the grain does not help. Grow it out then shave, repeat this process multiple times and you should (okay, might) be on your way to bristles you can finally be proud of.

2. Do not sculpt into particular styles. You are jeopardising what you've got. 

3. Channel your #fitspo, lose some weight, eat some kale and quinoa and cut down on the piss card can also help regulate hormones, and in turn... patchiness. 

4. And if you're really struggling there is medical assistance available, including medication or even surgical transplants.

If you do want to take the medical road it's heavily recommended you go see a specialist. Self-medicating is not the answer. You'll likely be prescribed specific supplements to help your DHT levels.

In the meantime, take comfort in knowing patchy-face isn't on you, it's your genetics.

And remember, you're not alone.

A lot of men have this problem. Over in ol' Hollywood James Franco, Chris Pratt, James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Shia LaBeouf, Justin Timberlake, Keanu Reeves and Shia LaBeouf are all famous and renowned pre-pubesecent goat faces. 

Hope our tips can help. Better bearding eveyone.