We’ve all faked being sick to avoid going to work from time to time however this man took it a wee bit too far by calling in kidnapped.
A chef in South-West England thought it’d be a good idea to text his boss that he’d been taken by three men and forced into the back of their car. He said that he’d managed to escape, hid behind bushes and went off to hospital.
As we all know now the 37-year-old hadn’t been kidnapped but just faked his disappearance to get off of work. For making up the lie, he has now been sentenced to sixteen months in prison.
After explaining some difficulties he’s had in his life such as financial issues, his best friend passing and other strained relationships, Barrister John Dyer said,
"This is highly unusual, almost bizarre, unique. Mr Kaminski didn't commit this offence to get other people into trouble, to incriminate an innocent party, to interfere with or fabricate evidence to prevent his own prosecution...He was in too deep and couldn't bring himself to own up."
It was explained that the man had to be jailed for his offence.
If you’re gonna pull a sickie here are two options that won’t land you any jail time. A 2015 study by Benenden found that 72.9% of employers consider vomiting as a good reason to call in sick and 71% accept diarrhoea. Two options that your boss won’t want to you to explain, solid. Work smarter, not harder New Zealand.