WATCH: Rugby coach goes viral for absolutely stacking it while playing office VR cricket
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WATCH: Rugby coach goes viral for absolutely stacking it while playing office VR cricket

Pushing for the quick single is always risky.

Cheeky bitta hallway cricket can go a long way in building office morale, that is until you bring technology into it and go flying over a desk. 

The coaching staff of the professional English rugby club the Northampton Saints came up with the incredible idea of playing virtual reality cricket in an office full of furniture. 

One man decided to hike his shorts halfway up his torso, wrap the VR goggles around his peepers and take the virtual crease. His reasoning? A bad case of “Ashes fever in the coaches’ office,” according to the team’s Instagram. 

The form on his cover drive is immaculate, unlike the shorts, which many commenters reckon are far worse than running full speed into a desk. 

“What collars size are those shorts?” asked one person, with another being more interested in the “chest size”. 

“Shins surely took a battering or even the knees,” said another. 

“NOOOOOO RUNNNNNN!” a third added. 


Another cricket-related cark came by way of a literal toddler. 

A young lad was filmed flipping over a railing in a hilarious clip during a T20 Cricket World Cup game last year. 

In between overs at Hobart’s Blundstone Arena during the match between the West Indies and Scotland, the cameras managed to capture one of the best 3 seconds clips of the year. 

We are immediately thrown into the chaos as we see the little bloke already horizontal over the railing with the father’s shoes and jeans chasing behind him. The toddler lifts his legs into the air, causing him to slide over the railing and onto the ground below. 

Didn’t think you’d be watching two cricket misadventures today did ya?