This guy has synced his Christmas lights with The Prodigy's music for charity

This guy has synced his Christmas lights with The Prodigy's music for charity

What a set up!

An Essex man has synchronised his house Christmas lights to music by the Prodigy, and it's pretty impressive. 

Rik Burt, a resident in Braintree, where The Prodigy members are originally from, has decorated his house with more than 3,000 Christmas lights in tribute to the band's late frontman, Keith Flint.

Burt's house is showcases two different musical displays 30 minutes apart, for three hours each night throughout December. Money raised from the light shows on the street is donated to respective charities.

"I have been doing the musical shows for four or five years and it's grown each year and we get better at it. It's something I have had to learn as we have gone on. The whole road takes part in the decorations, there were 50 houses last year and we are pushing that this year, and they have their different charities," said Burt.

"I'm into my metal mainly, but The Prodigy bridged the divide between the genres really well," he added. "I saw them live but it was very surreal when we heard he was gone. We are hoping that one of the members of the band might see."

Check out the light show above - reckon you could beat this set up?

This guy has synced his Christmas lights with The Prodigy's music for charity