World-first Dane Rumble tattoo inked live on George Breakfast

World-first Dane Rumble tattoo inked live on George Breakfast

How could you be so cruel to me?

The search for a Dane Rumble tattoo is over.

World-first Dane Rumble tattoo inked live on George Breakfast
How could you be so cruel to me?
00:00 / 00:47

A couple of weeks ago Redditor inrealphife asked the r/newzealand subreddit, do you have a Dane Rumble tattoo? 

“Lyrics, portrait, inspired? I'm settling a debate that at least one person in this great nation has a tattoo involving the prince that was promised.”

Despite the post blowing up, no kiwi claimed to have New Zealand’s pop prince on their skin. As devastating as the news was, it presented an incredible opportunity for one great kiwi to become the first person to have a Dane Rumble tattoo. 

Lee & Tammy spoke to Jack who bravely volunteered to be tattooed. He told George Breakfast, "as long as it wasn't on his forehead" he was up for it. Luckily Jack was allowed to choose where he put his tattoo and decided to proudly display Dane Rumble’s album The Experiment on his calf.

Before getting the tattoo Jack told George Breakfast,

“It's not the dumbest thing I've ever done in my life. And it's probably not even the dumbest thing I'll do this week, to be honest.”

Tattoo artist and owner of Ink Rush Tattoos, Sam Clayton volunteered to create this masterpiece and said that tattooing Jack was ‘bloody amazing’. No surprises there, who wouldn’t want to look at Dane Rumble's face for two hours straight?

After seeing the tattoo General Lee joked,

“You're going to get a lot of photo opportunities and also, like Sam did say, you know, you can't go swimming, you can't go to the gym and you can't go to Hamilton to keep it clean.”

Not many people would be brave enough to get such an incredible kiwi pop icon's face tattooed on them so props to you Jack! Check out the video above to see him getting tattooed.