James Buckley, who shall go down in comedic history for his portrayal of Jay Cartwright on ‘The Inbetweeners’, has sent some birthday wishes to Lee Mvtthews’ Tom Lee and it is some classic Jay Cartwright content.
The other half of Lee Mvtthews, Graham, took to Cameo - a website/app where people can pay celebrities a fee for a quick customised video - to get the clip from Buckley.
Graham then posted the end result to the duo's Instagram, saying “after all these years, I’ve run out of words to say, so I’ve enlisted the help of my mate Jay”, and the end result is incredible.
“Alright Tom, how’s it going?” Buckley says to start the clip. “Graham has asked me to do a little video just to wish you a very happy birthday.”
“So I hope you have a great day and I hope you get to see some friends, oooh friends, birthday friends,” he tells Tom, channelling that classic Jay Cartwright I was talking about.
“Don’t spend the day doing anything boring, like going down the gym, or drinking shit beer, or just being a general bellend. Get out, get amongst it!”
“I also hear that you’re off to Australia to do a bit of DJing - well, fucking good luck to ya. I mean, been there done that. Before you go though, get in touch with me, I’ll teach you how to put the balls in. I’ll teach you the one-pump orgasm.”
There’s a bit more of that chat before James gets genuine in his birthday wishes, calls Australia his “favourite country in the world”, and heeds one final warning to Tom.
“Whatever you do Tom, just don’t be a bus-wanker.”
If you didn’t know, James Buckley is extremely successful on Cameo (can see why), having recently become a millionaire from making vids on the app just like the one above.
Shoutout to James for absolutely killing it and happy birthday to Tom, cheers for the tuuunes mate.