Giant Aussie Elephant Seal named Henry rocks up to a servo and headbutts a couple windows
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Giant Aussie Elephant Seal named Henry rocks up to a servo and headbutts a couple windows

Old mate caught one glimpse of the gas prices.

A big ol’ elephant seal named Henry is going viral after swimming out of the ocean, rocking up to a servo, and smashing a couple of windows before eventually returning to the sea. 

The absolute unit emerged from the ocean and into the township of Point Lonsdale, Victoria and owned the day from then on out. Onlookers filmed his every slithery moment, capturing his undeniable confidence as he makes his way to a nearby service station. 

“Once he got momentum, he was really moving,” seal witness Chris Manly told 9News.

Once he made it to the servo, Henry sealed the day as one to remember by just laying into the place with his head, breaking a couple of windows in the process. 

Owner of the servo, Kalayla Ussawathawornchai, told 9News that police reckon Henry caught his reflection in the window and got heated - sounds like someone needs to practice self-love. It’s also just as likely he saw the gas prices. 

Turns out that Henry is a bit of a local celebrity, having popped up multiple times over the last decade. say that he’s “been a popular tourist attraction for years, with his size and laid-back personality nearly getting him into trouble.” I know a few blokes that fit that description. 

Jacqui Gelfgate, a podcast host, posted a bunch of Henry content to her Instagram. 

“Apparently Henry the Elephant seal has been coming to the region for over ten years,” the caption on one of her five Henry posts says. 

The Marine Mammal Foundation commented on another of her seal posts, letting the people know that there are three elephant seals in the area and that elephant seals have to leave the sea once a year “to undertake a catastrophic moult” i.e. shed their skin.

On ya Henry, just watch your head next time.